
(This fictional report was prepared as a class assignment for MUSA507 at the University of Pennsylvania)

My client, Zillow, has realized that the predictions of home prices in the Boston area which are currently on the site are not sufficiently accurate. This lack of accuracy is putting the site’s credibility in question and hurting its ability to attract and retain customers in the region.

Accurately predicting home prices is difficult. Home prices are a function of many complex considerations including the physical characteristics, location, and other factors including seasonal variations and the personal preferences of buyers and sellers.

To achieve better prediction accuracy, I have collected data to capture as many of the factors listed above as possible. More specifically, I worked to capture the variation in prices due to both physical characteristics of homes, and the underlying spatial patterns of prices in the region.

The resulting model was able to improve predictions considerably, with a new error margin of only about 11%-12%.

The map below shows the observation points in the data set.



df <- read.csv("WrangledData.csv")
df2 <- select(df, -Parcel_No, -Latitude_1, -Longitud_1)
df$SalePrice <- sapply(df$SalePrice, as.numeric)

df_Train <- df2[df2$SalePrice > 0,]
df_Test <- df2[df2$SalePrice == 0,]

leaflet(data = df) %>% setView(lng = -71.08, lat = 42.33, zoom = 12) %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% 
  addProviderTiles(providers$Stamen.TonerLines, options = providerTileOptions(opacity = 0.35)) %>%
  addProviderTiles( providers$Stamen.TonerLabels) %>% 
  addCircleMarkers(lng = df$Longitud_1, lat = df$Latitude_1, radius = 3, color = ifelse(df$SalePrice > 0, "blue", "red"), stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.5, clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(disableClusteringAtZoom = 13), label = ~as.character(paste("Sale Number: ", UniqueSale, ",  " ,"Sale Price: $", SalePrice))) %>%
  addLegend("topright", colors = c("red", "blue"), labels = c("Test-Set", "Training-Set"),
    title = "Training/Testing Set",
    opacity = 1


Data variables came from various sources. Physical housing characteristics, and the sales date were provided in the original Zillow data set. Some variables from the original data set with many categorical values or uneven distribution of values (e.g. sale date, year remodeled) were modified in order to increase predictive capacity.

New variables which model spatial considerations were added to the data set. These variables were created through spatial analyses of the original data set, as well as through the incorporation of data gathered from open data sources on the web.

Summary Statistics

Description of the variables is available in the Appendix.

stargazer(df_Train, type="text", title = "Variable Summary Statistics") 
## Variable Summary Statistics
## ===================================================================
## Statistic          N      Mean      St. Dev.      Min       Max    
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## UniqueSale       1,323   739.166     428.927       1       1,485   
## SalePrice        1,323 642,335.000 565,859.000  200,000  11,600,000
## LivingArea       1,323  2,310.966    993.217      573      9,908   
## LAND_SF          1,323  4,562.249   3,382.821     498      63,941  
## YR_BUILT         1,323  1,916.409    30.242      1,802     2,013   
## YR_REMOD         1,323   749.477     968.163       0       2,013   
## Last_Work        1,323  1,951.161    45.022      1,830     2,013   
## NewlyRemodeled   1,323    0.138       0.345        0         1     
## GROSS_AREA       1,323  3,622.726   1,422.172     826      11,919  
## LIVING_ARE       1,323  2,280.961    994.508      573      9,908   
## NUM_FLOORS       1,323    2.187       0.646      1.000     4.000   
## R_TOTAL_RM       1,323    9.760       3.766        3         21    
## R_BDRMS          1,323    4.494       2.008        1         14    
## R_FULL_BTH       1,323    1.995       0.894        1         8     
## R_HALF_BTH       1,323    0.363       0.547        0         3     
## R_KITCH          1,323    1.697       0.822        1         4     
## R_FPLACE         1,323    0.407       0.758        0         5     
## ZIPCODE          1,323  2,128.682    16.894      2,108     2,467   
## PTYPE            1,323   103.912     34.071       101       985    
## OWN_OCC          1,323    0.559       0.497        0         1     
## HEAT_SYS         1,323    0.986       0.116        0         1     
## C_AC             1,323    0.145       0.352        0         1     
## FeetToParks      1,323   492.798     353.428       3       1,964   
## WalkScore        1,323   85.565       5.534       70         98    
## TransitSco       1,323   68.864      14.870       44        100    
## BikeScore        1,323   65.729      12.547       53         95    
## FeetToMetro      1,323  5,674.466   4,965.023     187      19,768  
## MEDHHINC         1,323 73,351.130  30,775.610    9,756    166,375  
## PCTBACHMOR       1,323   39.403      22.517        0         97    
## PCTOWNEROC       1,323   44.602      22.840        0         96    
## PCTVACANT        1,323    4.594       3.061        0         28    
## PCTWHITE         1,323   59.865      31.201        2        100    
## CrimeIndex       1,323    3.964       1.931      1.000     9.610   
## NearUni          1,323    0.168       0.374        0         1     
## SchoolGrade      1,323    3.125       1.711        1         9     
## DistToCBD        1,323 25,517.900  12,816.110    2,231     52,892  
## NearImpBldg      1,323    0.011       0.106        0         1     
## NearCommonwealth 1,323    0.003       0.055        0         1     
## DistToPoor       1,323  3,610.567   3,149.793      0       15,573  
## NearAP           1,323    0.021       0.144        0         1     
## Ave_SalePr       1,323 638,684.900 447,084.200  283,541  4,470,000 
## Dist_AP          1,323 31,408.400  14,682.450  2,894.213 57,307.500
## Dist_SC          1,323  2,164.640    942.232    420.376  4,909.092 
## Dist_Major_Road  1,323  2,720.628   2,543.041    3.011   15,749.200
## -------------------------------------------------------------------

Correlation Matrix

Avoiding multi-collinearity (high level of correlation between predictors) can help improve the accuracy of the model. To examine this, The correlation matrix of the numeric variables in the model is shown below. Variables with correlation greater than 0.8 will be removed from the model.

dfNum <- select(df_Train, -UniqueSale, -SaleSeason, -STRUCTURE_, -R_BLDG_STY, -SaleMonth, -Style , -LU, -R_ROOF_TYP, -HEAT_SYS, -R_EXT_FIN, -Neighborhood)

#Correlation Matrix
CorMatrix <- cor(dfNum)

corrplot(CorMatrix, method = "color", order = "AOE", addCoef.col="grey", type = "upper", addCoefasPercent = FALSE, number.cex = .7)

#Removing multi-colinear variables (>.80)
df2 <- select(df2, -GROSS_AREA, -LivingArea, -YR_REMOD, -R_BDRMS, -R_KITCH, -Dist_AP)
df_Train <- df2[df2$SalePrice > 0,]
df_Test <- df2[df2$SalePrice == 0,]

Analyzing Predictor Distributions

The OLS model works best when the predictors and dependent variable are normally distributed. The distribution of some predictors may be brought closer to a normal distribution by log-transforming them. The plots below show the current distributions of the continuous predictors.

#Analysis of continuous predictors
dfCont <- select(dfNum, -GROSS_AREA, -LivingArea, -YR_REMOD, -NewlyRemodeled, -R_BDRMS, -R_KITCH, -Dist_AP, -NearCommonwealth, -NearImpBldg, -NearUni, -C_AC, -OWN_OCC, -PTYPE, -ZIPCODE, 
                 -R_FPLACE, -R_HALF_BTH, -R_FULL_BTH, -NearAP)

#Distribution analysis
dfContMelted <- melt(dfCont)

ggplot(data = dfContMelted, mapping = aes(x = value)) + 
  geom_histogram(bins = 30) + facet_wrap(~variable, scales = 'free_x') + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank())

Predictors which are negatively skewed are the best candidates for normalizing by using log-transformation. The new distributions of the transformed predictors are shown below.

#Log-Transforming to normalize selected predictors 
ggplot(df2, aes(x=LAND_SF)) + geom_histogram()
ggplot(df2, aes(x=log(LAND_SF))) + geom_histogram()

#Log-Transforming to normalize selected predictors 
ggplot(df2, aes(x=LIVING_ARE)) + geom_histogram()
ggplot(df2, aes(x=log(LIVING_ARE))) + geom_histogram()

#Log-Transforming to normalize selected predictors 
ggplot(df2, aes(x=PCTVACANT)) + geom_histogram() + stat_bin(bins = 10)
ggplot(df2, aes(x=log(PCTVACANT + 1))) + geom_histogram() + stat_bin(bins = 10)

#Log-Transforming to normalize selected predictors 
ggplot(df2, aes(x=Dist_Major_Road)) + geom_histogram() + stat_bin(bins = 20)
ggplot(df2, aes(x=log(Dist_Major_Road + 1))) + geom_histogram() + stat_bin(bins = 20)

#Log-Transforming to normalize selected predictors 
ggplot(df2, aes(x=Ave_SalePr)) + geom_histogram() + stat_bin(bins = 30)
ggplot(df2, aes(x=log(Ave_SalePr))) + geom_histogram() + stat_bin(bins = 30)


To generate the price predictions, I will use a Hedonic OLS Regression model. This method evaluates the direction and strength of the relationship between the dependent variable in question (home prices) and the many factors (predictors) which may affect it. The model can estimate the effect of each of our predictors on sale prices while holding all other predictors constant, thereby allowing us to consider the effect of different variables concurrently.

To train the model, I created a training data set (data set with known sale prices) which included 1323 observations to “train” the regression model to predict the home sales price in the test data set (the data set of homes with unknown, or 0, prices). Using this training data, it is possible to calibrate the regression coefficients to model home prices based on the data. Lastly, I used this “trained” model to predict the sale prices in the test set.

In evaluating the predictive ability of our model, I took two separate approaches. The first approach was “In-sample training”, in which I divided the training data-set into two groups, and used one of the groups to predict the prices in the other. The second approach was a 10-fold cross-validation algorithm, which randomly divids the training set into ten equal “folds”, and one by one predicts prices for each of the folds using the remaining nine folds.

To examine whether the model was sufficiently capturing spatial structure of prices, I used the Moran’s I method. This method evaluates whether the model’s errors are clustered in space to a statistically-significant degree (which would indicate some spatial dynamic that was not accounted for in the model).

Model Building

The model-building process is shown below.

Linear Regression model 1: All predictors

reg1 <- lm(log(SalePrice) ~ ., data =  df_Train %>% 
    %>% dplyr::select(-UniqueSale))

Stepwise Variable Analysis:

## Stepwise Model Path 
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Initial Model:
## log(SalePrice) ~ YR_BUILT + Last_Work + NewlyRemodeled + NUM_FLOORS + 
##     R_TOTAL_RM + R_FULL_BTH + R_HALF_BTH + R_FPLACE + SaleSeason + 
##     SaleMonth + Style + ZIPCODE + PTYPE + OWN_OCC + LU + STRUCTURE_ + 
##     R_BLDG_STY + R_ROOF_TYP + R_EXT_FIN + HEAT_SYS + C_AC + FeetToParks + 
##     Neighborhood + WalkScore + TransitSco + BikeScore + FeetToMetro + 
##     NearUni + SchoolGrade + DistToCBD + NearImpBldg + NearCommonwealth + 
##     DistToPoor + NearAP + Dist_SC + LogLAND_SF + LogLIVING_ARE + 
##     LogPCTVACANT + LogDist_Major_Road + LogAve_SalePr
## Final Model:
## log(SalePrice) ~ Last_Work + NewlyRemodeled + NUM_FLOORS + R_FULL_BTH + 
##     R_HALF_BTH + R_FPLACE + SaleMonth + Style + PTYPE + LU + 
##     R_BLDG_STY + R_EXT_FIN + C_AC + Neighborhood + FeetToMetro + 
##     PCTBACHMOR + PCTWHITE + CrimeIndex + NearUni + NearImpBldg + 
##     NearAP + Dist_SC + LogLAND_SF + LogLIVING_ARE + LogAve_SalePr
##                    Step Df              Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev
## 1                                                     1216   28.71204
## 2           - BikeScore  0 0.0000000000000000000      1216   28.71204
## 3          - TransitSco  0 0.0000000000000000000      1216   28.71204
## 4           - WalkScore  0 0.0000000000000000000      1216   28.71204
## 5          - SaleSeason  0 0.0000000000003552714      1216   28.71204
## 6          - R_ROOF_TYP  5 0.0946874920781439755      1221   28.80673
## 7          - STRUCTURE_  2 0.0358108356566724240      1223   28.84254
## 8         - FeetToParks  1 0.0000047751824361342      1224   28.84254
## 9          - R_TOTAL_RM  1 0.0000139125347544677      1225   28.84256
## 10 - LogDist_Major_Road  1 0.0001061660543335563      1226   28.84266
## 11         - PCTOWNEROC  1 0.0002904673328529839      1227   28.84296
## 12           - MEDHHINC  1 0.0008064345835343545      1228   28.84376
## 13            - OWN_OCC  1 0.0030725642581721502      1229   28.84683
## 14           - HEAT_SYS  1 0.0059915654671662821      1230   28.85283
## 15          - DistToCBD  1 0.0138947193882579256      1231   28.86672
## 16           - YR_BUILT  1 0.0138758735296633517      1232   28.88060
## 17       - LogPCTVACANT  1 0.0151253646420634880      1233   28.89572
## 18        - SchoolGrade  1 0.0202790166078798961      1234   28.91600
## 19         - DistToPoor  1 0.0214955404639987080      1235   28.93750
## 20            - ZIPCODE  1 0.0265304549993281569      1236   28.96403
## 21   - NearCommonwealth  1 0.0328592482080054538      1237   28.99689
##          AIC
## 1  -4853.541
## 2  -4853.541
## 3  -4853.541
## 4  -4853.541
## 5  -4853.541
## 6  -4859.185
## 7  -4861.541
## 8  -4863.541
## 9  -4865.540
## 10 -4867.535
## 11 -4869.522
## 12 -4871.485
## 13 -4873.344
## 14 -4875.069
## 15 -4876.432
## 16 -4877.797
## 17 -4879.104
## 18 -4880.176
## 19 -4881.193
## 20 -4881.980
## 21 -4882.480

linear regression model 2- Removing highly insignificant predictors:

reg2 <- lm(log(SalePrice) ~ ., data =  df_Train %>% 
    %>% dplyr::select(-UniqueSale, -PCTOWNEROC, -DistToPoor,
                                             -DistToCBD, -SchoolGrade, -MEDHHINC, -WalkScore, -TransitSco, 
                                             -BikeScore, -FeetToParks, -HEAT_SYS, -R_EXT_FIN, -R_BLDG_STY, -R_ROOF_TYP, -STRUCTURE_,
                                             -OWN_OCC, -ZIPCODE, -Style, -SaleMonth))

linear regression model 3- Removing more insignificant predictors:

reg3 <- lm(log(SalePrice) ~ ., data =  df_Train %>% 
    %>% dplyr::select(-UniqueSale, -LogDist_Major_Road, -PCTOWNEROC, -DistToPoor,
                                             -DistToCBD, -SchoolGrade, -MEDHHINC, -WalkScore, -TransitSco, 
                                             -BikeScore, -FeetToParks, -HEAT_SYS, -R_EXT_FIN, -R_BLDG_STY, -R_ROOF_TYP, -STRUCTURE_,
                                             -OWN_OCC, -ZIPCODE, -Style, -SaleMonth, -YR_BUILT, -R_TOTAL_RM, -NearImpBldg, -NearCommonwealth,
                                             -NearCommonwealth, -LogPCTVACANT))

stargazer(reg1, reg2, reg3, type="text", title = "Model Outputs", align=TRUE,, single.row=TRUE, ci=FALSE, column.labels=c("Model 1","Model 2", "Model 3")) 
## Model Outputs
## ==========================================================================================================
##                                                         Dependent variable:                               
##                           --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##                                                            log(SalePrice)                                 
##                                    Model 1                    Model 2                    Model 3          
##                                      (1)                        (2)                        (3)            
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## YR_BUILT                       0.0001 (0.0002)            0.00003 (0.0002)                                
## Last_Work                     0.0003** (0.0001)          0.0004*** (0.0001)         0.0003*** (0.0001)    
## NewlyRemodeled                 0.045*** (0.016)           0.038** (0.016)            0.040*** (0.016)     
## NUM_FLOORS                      0.036* (0.019)            0.064*** (0.014)           0.064*** (0.014)     
## R_TOTAL_RM                     -0.0004 (0.003)             -0.001 (0.003)                                 
## R_FULL_BTH                     0.044*** (0.010)           0.046*** (0.010)           0.047*** (0.010)     
## R_HALF_BTH                     0.024** (0.010)             0.018* (0.010)            0.020** (0.010)      
## R_FPLACE                       0.038*** (0.008)           0.044*** (0.008)           0.045*** (0.007)     
## SaleSeasonSpring              -0.063*** (0.023)          -0.050*** (0.014)          -0.051*** (0.014)     
## SaleSeasonSummer                0.021 (0.019)              0.015 (0.012)              0.015 (0.011)       
## SaleSeasonWinter              -0.059*** (0.023)          -0.047*** (0.013)          -0.047*** (0.013)     
## SaleMonthAug                    -0.007 (0.018)                                                            
## SaleMonthDec                   0.060*** (0.023)                                                           
## SaleMonthFeb                   -0.051* (0.028)                                                            
## SaleMonthJan                                                                                              
## SaleMonthJul                    -0.006 (0.018)                                                            
## SaleMonthJun                                                                                              
## SaleMonthMar                    -0.020 (0.027)                                                            
## SaleMonthMay                   0.070*** (0.024)                                                           
## SaleMonthNov                    -0.012 (0.022)                                                            
## SaleMonthOct                    0.017 (0.021)                                                             
## SaleMonthSep                                                                                              
## StyleCape                       0.237 (0.158)                                                             
## StyleColonial                  0.681*** (0.196)                                                           
## StyleConventional              0.488** (0.196)                                                            
## StyleDecker                     0.032 (0.047)                                                             
## StyleDuplex                    0.884*** (0.285)                                                           
## StyleRaised Ranch              -0.078* (0.047)                                                            
## StyleRanch                      0.030 (0.115)                                                             
## StyleRow End                   0.522** (0.236)                                                            
## StyleRow Middle                0.502** (0.241)                                                            
## StyleSemi Det                  0.518** (0.238)                                                            
## StyleSplit Level                -0.001 (0.070)                                                            
## StyleTri Level                  -0.157 (0.162)                                                            
## StyleTudor                     0.628** (0.253)                                                            
## StyleTwo Fam Stack             0.441** (0.212)                                                            
## StyleVictorian                 0.896*** (0.208)                                                           
## ZIPCODE                        -0.0003 (0.0003)                                                           
## PTYPE                         -0.042*** (0.016)          -0.042*** (0.016)          -0.042*** (0.016)     
## OWN_OCC                         0.004 (0.010)                                                             
## LUR1                         -37.208*** (14.019)         -36.867** (14.308)        -36.898*** (14.273)    
## LUR2                         -37.017*** (13.971)         -36.738** (14.260)        -36.769*** (14.224)    
## LUR3                         -36.927*** (13.956)         -36.641** (14.244)        -36.673*** (14.209)    
## STRUCTURE_C                     0.134 (0.172)                                                             
## STRUCTURE_R                     -0.042 (0.066)                                                            
## R_BLDG_STYCL                  -0.650*** (0.195)                                                           
## R_BLDG_STYCP                    -0.224 (0.156)                                                            
## R_BLDG_STYCV                  -0.516*** (0.195)                                                           
## R_BLDG_STYDK                                                                                              
## R_BLDG_STYDX                  -0.964*** (0.289)                                                           
## R_BLDG_STYRE                   -0.513** (0.236)                                                           
## R_BLDG_STYRM                   -0.451* (0.240)                                                            
## R_BLDG_STYRN                    -0.010 (0.115)                                                            
## R_BLDG_STYRR                                                                                              
## R_BLDG_STYSD                   -0.514** (0.236)                                                           
## R_BLDG_STYSL                                                                                              
## R_BLDG_STYTF                   -0.474** (0.210)                                                           
## R_BLDG_STYTL                                                                                              
## R_BLDG_STYVT                  -0.765*** (0.211)                                                           
## R_ROOF_TYPG                     0.010 (0.019)                                                             
## R_ROOF_TYPH                     0.037* (0.022)                                                            
## R_ROOF_TYPL                     0.022 (0.033)                                                             
## R_ROOF_TYPM                     0.003 (0.024)                                                             
## R_ROOF_TYPS                     0.023 (0.095)                                                             
## R_EXT_FINB                     0.092*** (0.027)                                                           
## R_EXT_FINC                      0.063 (0.065)                                                             
## R_EXT_FINF                      0.042* (0.024)                                                            
## R_EXT_FINM                      0.0001 (0.020)                                                            
## R_EXT_FINP                     -0.061* (0.036)                                                            
## R_EXT_FINS                      -0.054 (0.057)                                                            
## R_EXT_FINU                      0.139 (0.112)                                                             
## R_EXT_FINV                      0.158 (0.114)                                                             
## R_EXT_FINW                      0.014 (0.021)                                                             
## HEAT_SYS                        -0.017 (0.039)                                                            
## C_AC                           0.057*** (0.016)           0.059*** (0.016)           0.060*** (0.015)     
## FeetToParks                   -0.00000 (0.00001)                                                          
## NeighborhoodBack Bay           0.998*** (0.151)           1.025*** (0.149)           1.072*** (0.140)     
## NeighborhoodBay Village        0.532*** (0.180)           0.590*** (0.181)           0.590*** (0.180)     
## NeighborhoodBeacon Hill        0.670*** (0.102)           0.701*** (0.097)           0.670*** (0.090)     
## NeighborhoodBrighton           -0.178* (0.093)            -0.166* (0.094)            -0.164* (0.093)      
## NeighborhoodCharlestown         0.046 (0.082)              0.077 (0.075)              0.077 (0.072)       
## NeighborhoodDorchester        -0.251*** (0.075)          -0.199*** (0.073)          -0.195*** (0.072)     
## NeighborhoodDowntown            0.244 (0.184)              0.287 (0.183)              0.291 (0.182)       
## NeighborhoodEast Boston       -0.330*** (0.081)          -0.284*** (0.077)          -0.281*** (0.076)     
## NeighborhoodFenway             0.461*** (0.153)           0.456*** (0.151)           0.361*** (0.136)     
## NeighborhoodHyde Park         -0.245*** (0.081)           -0.198** (0.077)          -0.197*** (0.076)     
## NeighborhoodJamaica Plain       -0.072 (0.074)             -0.039 (0.072)             -0.036 (0.071)      
## NeighborhoodMattapan          -0.273*** (0.080)          -0.221*** (0.078)          -0.216*** (0.077)     
## NeighborhoodMission Hill        0.064 (0.083)              0.110 (0.081)              0.113 (0.080)       
## NeighborhoodRoslindale        -0.210*** (0.076)           -0.181** (0.075)           -0.178** (0.074)     
## NeighborhoodRoxbury           -0.246*** (0.078)           -0.186** (0.076)           -0.180** (0.074)     
## NeighborhoodSouth Boston        0.001 (0.082)              0.004 (0.077)              0.005 (0.074)       
## NeighborhoodSouth End          0.638*** (0.096)           0.713*** (0.087)           0.690*** (0.084)     
## NeighborhoodWest Roxbury       -0.167** (0.079)           -0.134* (0.078)            -0.132* (0.077)      
## WalkScore                                                                                                 
## TransitSco                                                                                                
## BikeScore                                                                                                 
## FeetToMetro                 -0.00001*** (0.00000)      -0.00001*** (0.00000)      -0.00001*** (0.00000)   
## MEDHHINC                      0.00000 (0.00000)                                                           
## PCTBACHMOR                    0.002*** (0.0005)          0.002*** (0.0005)          0.002*** (0.0005)     
## PCTOWNEROC                     0.00001 (0.0003)                                                           
## PCTWHITE                      0.003*** (0.0004)          0.003*** (0.0004)          0.003*** (0.0004)     
## CrimeIndex                    -0.017*** (0.005)          -0.018*** (0.005)          -0.019*** (0.005)     
## NearUni                        0.042** (0.018)            0.037** (0.018)            0.038** (0.018)      
## SchoolGrade                     0.003 (0.003)                                                             
## DistToCBD                     -0.00000 (0.00000)                                                          
## NearImpBldg                    -0.141** (0.065)            -0.094 (0.064)                                 
## NearCommonwealth                0.122 (0.099)              0.093 (0.101)                                  
## DistToPoor                    0.00000 (0.00000)                                                           
## NearAP                         0.106*** (0.036)           0.099*** (0.036)           0.100*** (0.035)     
## Dist_SC                      -0.00002** (0.00001)       -0.00002** (0.00001)       -0.00002** (0.00001)   
## LogLAND_SF                     0.101*** (0.013)           0.099*** (0.013)           0.098*** (0.013)     
## LogLIVING_ARE                  0.313*** (0.026)           0.312*** (0.026)           0.310*** (0.022)     
## LogPCTVACANT                    0.008 (0.011)              0.002 (0.011)                                  
## LogDist_Major_Road              0.001 (0.006)              -0.002 (0.006)                                 
## LogAve_SalePr                  0.238*** (0.032)           0.246*** (0.032)           0.245*** (0.031)     
## Constant                      48.032*** (15.664)         46.924*** (15.971)         47.056*** (15.920)    
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Observations                        1,323                      1,323                      1,323           
## R2                                  0.897                      0.884                      0.883           
## Adjusted R2                         0.888                      0.879                      0.880           
## Residual Std. Error           0.154 (df = 1216)          0.160 (df = 1274)          0.159 (df = 1280)     
## F Statistic               99.929*** (df = 106; 1216) 201.689*** (df = 48; 1274) 231.061*** (df = 42; 1280)
## ==========================================================================================================
## Note:                                                                          *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

Stepwise Variable Analysis 2:

## Stepwise Model Path 
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Initial Model:
## log(SalePrice) ~ Last_Work + NewlyRemodeled + NUM_FLOORS + R_FULL_BTH + 
##     R_HALF_BTH + R_FPLACE + SaleSeason + PTYPE + LU + C_AC + 
##     Neighborhood + FeetToMetro + PCTBACHMOR + PCTWHITE + CrimeIndex + 
##     NearUni + NearAP + Dist_SC + LogLAND_SF + LogLIVING_ARE + 
##     LogAve_SalePr
## Final Model:
## log(SalePrice) ~ Last_Work + NewlyRemodeled + NUM_FLOORS + R_FULL_BTH + 
##     R_HALF_BTH + R_FPLACE + SaleSeason + PTYPE + LU + C_AC + 
##     Neighborhood + FeetToMetro + PCTBACHMOR + PCTWHITE + CrimeIndex + 
##     NearUni + NearAP + Dist_SC + LogLAND_SF + LogLIVING_ARE + 
##     LogAve_SalePr
##   Step Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev       AIC
## 1                       1280   32.48998 -4817.998

Model Evaluation and Assumption Testing

The following section will test the assumptions associated with the OLS model (ie. Residual normality, heteroscedasticity). Additionally, I will evaluate whether the model’s residuals exhibit significant spatial autocorrelation (indicating unaccounted-for spatial patterns).

Testing Residual Distribution:

Reg_Dataframe <- cbind(reg3$residuals,reg3$fitted.values)
Reg_Dataframe <-

colnames(Reg_Dataframe) <- c("residuals", "predictedValues")

ggplot(reg3, aes(Reg_Dataframe$residuals)) + geom_histogram(bins=25) +

Residuals look good!

Testing for Heteroscedasticity:

Predicted as function of residuals:

ggplot(data = Reg_Dataframe, aes(x = residuals , y = predictedValues)) +
  geom_point(size = 1) + xlab("Residuals") + ylab("Predicted Values") + ggtitle("Residual Values vs. Predicted Values") +  
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

Predicted as function of observed:

regDF <- cbind(log(df_Train$SalePrice), reg3$fitted.values)
colnames(regDF) <- c("Observed", "Predicted")
regDF <-
ggplot() + 
  geom_point(data=regDF, aes(Observed, Predicted)) +
  stat_smooth(data=regDF, aes(Observed, Observed), method = "lm", se = FALSE, size = 1) + 
  labs(title="Predicted Price as a function\nof Observed Price") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

Looks sufficiently homoscedastic!

Mapping Residuals (Observation points)

reg_residuals <- data.frame(reg3$residuals)
LonLat <- data.frame(df[df$SalePrice>0,]$Longitud_1, df[df$SalePrice>0,]$Latitude_1)
residualsToMap <- cbind(LonLat, reg_residuals )
colnames(residualsToMap) <- c("longitude", "latitude", "residual")

ggmap(baseMap_invert) + 
  geom_point(data = residualsToMap, 
             aes(x=longitude, y=latitude, color = residual), 
             size = 2) + scale_colour_gradient(low = "blue", high = "yellow") + mapTheme() +
                  labs(title="Prediction Residuals (Per Observation)")

Mapping Residuals (Raster Grid Quintiles)

Raster <-
  ggmap(baseMap_invert) +
  stat_summary_2d(geom = "tile",
                  bins = 80,
                  aes(x = longitude, y = latitude, z = ntile(residual,5))) +
                  scale_fill_gradient(low = "yellow", high = "blue", 
                  guide = guide_legend(title = "Residuals \n (Quintiles)")) +
                  labs(title="Prediction Residuals (Raster Grid)") + mapTheme()


No immediately noticeable spatial pattern in residuals.

Moran’s I Analysis

coords <- cbind(df[df$SalePrice>0,]$Longitud_1, df[df$SalePrice>0,]$Latitude_1)
spatialWeights <- knn2nb(knearneigh(coords, 4))
moran.test(reg1$residuals, nb2listw(spatialWeights, style="W"))
##  Moran I test under randomisation
## data:  reg1$residuals  
## weights: nb2listw(spatialWeights, style = "W")  
## Moran I statistic standard deviate = 0.16468, p-value = 0.4346
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## sample estimates:
## Moran I statistic       Expectation          Variance 
##      0.0022273746     -0.0007564297      0.0003282955

Test results indicate that no significant spatial autocorrelation is present in the residuals.

In-Sample Training

inTrain <- createDataPartition(
  y = df_Train$Neighborhood, 
  p = .75, list = FALSE) <- df_Train[ inTrain,] #the in-sample training set
IST.test <- df_Train[-inTrain,]  #the in-sample test set

reg4 <- lm(log(SalePrice) ~ ., data =>% #regression with in-sample training data
    %>% dplyr::select(-UniqueSale, -LogDist_Major_Road, -PCTOWNEROC, -DistToPoor,
                                             -DistToCBD, -SchoolGrade, -MEDHHINC, -WalkScore, -TransitSco, 
                                             -BikeScore, -FeetToParks, -HEAT_SYS, -R_EXT_FIN, -R_BLDG_STY, -R_ROOF_TYP, -STRUCTURE_,
                                             -OWN_OCC, -ZIPCODE, -Style, -SaleMonth, -YR_BUILT, -R_TOTAL_RM, -NearImpBldg, -NearCommonwealth,
                                             -NearCommonwealth, -LogPCTVACANT, -LogDist_Major_Road)) 

#predict on in-sample test set
reg4Pred <- predict(reg4, IST.test)

reg4PredValues <- 
  data.frame(observedPrice = IST.test$SalePrice,
             predictedPrice = exp(reg4Pred))

#store predictions, observed, absolute error, and percent absolute error
reg4PredValues <-
  reg4PredValues %>%
  mutate(error = predictedPrice - observedPrice) %>%
  mutate(absError = abs(predictedPrice - observedPrice)) %>%
  mutate(percentAbsError = abs(predictedPrice - observedPrice) / observedPrice) 

stargazer(reg4PredValues, type = 'text')
## ======================================================================
## Statistic        N     Mean      St. Dev.       Min           Max     
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## observedPrice   323 619,531.800 447,474.900   245,000      3,900,000  
## predictedPrice  323 608,338.200 421,368.000 260,397.700  3,890,731.000
## error           323 -11,193.530 139,614.100 -968,105.200  579,433.700 
## absError        323 84,403.390  111,676.900   332.755     968,105.200 
## percentAbsError 323    0.131       0.111       0.001         0.700    
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Testing Generalizability: N-Fold Cross-Validation Method

fitControl <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10)

set.seed(825) #set seed for random number generator

lmFit <- train(log(SalePrice) ~ ., data = df_Train, 
               method = "lm", 
               trControl = fitControl)

##         RMSE  Rsquared       MAE Resample
## 1  0.1687018 0.8878129 0.1122363   Fold01
## 2  0.2279301 0.8348478 0.1483443   Fold02
## 3  0.1721422 0.8708535 0.1240672   Fold03
## 4  0.1590075 0.8361266 0.1220684   Fold04
## 5  0.1833931 0.8188797 0.1349571   Fold05
## 6  0.1714996 0.8142559 0.1328334   Fold06
## 7  0.1745891 0.8882076 0.1360352   Fold07
## 8  0.1678816 0.8672234 0.1254778   Fold08
## 9  0.1634351 0.8559889 0.1229898   Fold09
## 10 0.1546993 0.8748805 0.1234529   Fold10
stargazer(lmFit$resample, type = "text")
## =======================================
## Statistic N  Mean  St. Dev.  Min   Max 
## ---------------------------------------
## RMSE      10 0.174  0.020   0.155 0.228
## Rsquared  10 0.855  0.027   0.814 0.888
## MAE       10 0.128  0.010   0.112 0.148
## ---------------------------------------

The plot below shows the distibution of mean absolute error (MAE) values for the 10 folds.

#Evaluating Generalizeability: Fold MAE Frequency Plot
ggplot($resample), aes(MAE)) +
  geom_histogram(bins=5) +
  labs(x="Mean Absolute Error",

No significant outliers are present

The plot below shows the per-fold R-Square statistic.

CVFolds <- cbind(lmFit$resample$Resample, lmFit$resample$Rsquared)
colnames(CVFolds) <- c("Fold", "RSquared")
CVFolds <-
CVFolds$RSquared <- as.numeric(as.character(CVFolds$RSquared))
CVFolds$RSquared <- formatC(CVFolds$RSquared,digits=2,format="f")
CVFolds$RSquared <- as.numeric(as.character(CVFolds$RSquared))

ggplot(CVFolds, aes(x=Fold, y=RSquared)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", fill = "#4682b4") + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1)) + geom_text(aes(label=RSquared), vjust=-1) +
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=1))

Since all folds have a similar R-Squared statistic, the model seems sufficiently generalizable.

Test-Set Predictions

The following code uses the chosen model to predict the sale prices of observations in the test set.

FinalReg <- lm(log(SalePrice) ~ ., data =  df_Train%>% 
        %>% dplyr::select(-UniqueSale, -LogDist_Major_Road, -PCTOWNEROC, -DistToPoor,
                                                 -DistToCBD, -SchoolGrade, -MEDHHINC, -WalkScore, -TransitSco, 
                                                 -BikeScore, -FeetToParks, -HEAT_SYS, -R_EXT_FIN, -R_BLDG_STY, -R_ROOF_TYP, -STRUCTURE_,
                                                 -OWN_OCC, -ZIPCODE, -Style, -SaleMonth, -YR_BUILT, -R_TOTAL_RM, -NearImpBldg, -NearCommonwealth,
                                                 -NearCommonwealth, -LogPCTVACANT, -LogDist_Major_Road)) 

FinalPred <- predict(FinalReg, df_Test)

FinalPredValues <- 
  data.frame(UniqueSale = df_Test$UniqueSale,
             PredictedPrice = exp(FinalPred))

##    UniqueSale PredictedPrice
## 3           3       625807.1
## 20         20       384205.3
## 44         44       562834.1
## 51         51       432378.7
## 76         76       471795.3
## 82         82       595516.4

Mapping Predicted Values

LonLat_Test <- data.frame(df[df$SalePrice==0,]$Longitud_1, df[df$SalePrice==0,]$Latitude_1)
PredictionsToMap <- cbind(FinalPredValues, LonLat_Test)
colnames(PredictionsToMap) <- c("UniqueSale", "PredictedPrice", "longitude", "latitude")

cols <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(5,"RdYlGn"))(5)

ggmap(baseMap_invert) + 
  geom_point(data = PredictionsToMap, aes(x=longitude, y=latitude, color= ntiles(PredictedPrice, n = 5)), size = 3) +
  mapTheme() + theme(legend.position="bottom") + 
  scale_color_manual(name ="Predicted Prices (Quintiles)", values = c(cols))


Variable Descriptions

NewlyRemodeled - Whether the unit was remodeled since 2005 (binary variable)

GROSS_AREA - Gross floor area of the unit

NUM_FLOORS - Number of floors

R_TOTAL_RM - Total number of rooms

R_BDRMS - Number of bedrooms

R_FULL_BTH - Number of full bathrooms

R_HALF_BTH - Number of half bathrooms

R_KITCH - Number of kitchens in the structure

R_FPLACE - Number of fireplaces in the structure

SaleSeason - Season in which the sale took place. Summer= Jun-Aug, Fall = Sep-Nov, Winter = Dec-Feb, Spring= Mar-May

Style - Architectural style

LU - City’s land use designation

R_ROOF_TYP - Roof structure type: F Flat L Gambrel S Shed G Gable M Mansard H Hip O Other

R_EXT_FIN - Exterior finish type: A Asbestos K Concrete U Aluminum B Brick/Stone M Vinyl V Brick/Stone Veneer C Cement Board O Other W Wood Shake F Frame/Clapboard P Asphalt G Glass S Stucco

C_AC - Presence of central air-conditioning (binary)

FeetToParks - Distance to nearest park (feet)

FeetToMetro - Distance to nearest transit stop (feet)

MEDHHINC - Median household income of census block group

PCTBACHMOR - Percent of population in block group with bachelor’s degree or more

PCTWHITE - Percent of population in block group which identify as white

CrimeIndex - Crime ranking based on density of violent crime occurrences in 2015 (1-6)

NearUni - within one kilometer of university (binary)

SchoolGrade - ranking of nearest public school (1-9) from

DistToCBD - Distance to Central Business District (feet)

NearImpBldg - Whether near important landmark/building (binary)

NearCommonwealth - whether near commonwealth avenue or Boston commons (binary)

DistToPoor - Distance to neighborhoods with median household income less than 25k

NearAP - whether within 1500 feet of Logan Airport

Ave_SalePr - Average sale price of 5 nearest homes

Dist_SC - Distance to public schools (feet)

Dist_Major_Road - Distance to road with speed limit over 35 mph (feet)

LivingArea - Net living area in unit in feet (logged in model)

LAND_SF - Size of lot in feet (logged in model)